Many people experience numerous dental issues in various mouth regions. When treating these individuals, a variety of factors must be taken into consideration in order to provide a thorough course of care. Numerous missing teeth, teeth with sizable fillings that are deteriorating, worn-out teeth from behaviors like teeth grinding (bruxism), and many other issues could exist. Any dental procedure that affects every tooth in the mouth is generally referred to as full-mouth reconstruction or full-mouth rehabilitation. Onlays, crowns, bridges, veneers, dental implants, and/or dentures are among the treatments that can be used to give patients not just a "smile makeover" but also an improvement in their ability to chew. As the term implies, whole mouth rehabilitation essentially refers to restoring or reconstructing every tooth in a patient's mouth and using procedures to improve their mouth's overall attractiveness. It focuses on restorative dentistry to enhance the function, health, appearance, and feel of your mouth.
For more details please contact us at +919560408908
Tags: | #Full Mouth Rehabilitation in Shushant lok, # Full Mouth Rehabilitation in DLF Phase 1, # Full Mouth Rehabilitation in DLF Phase 2, # Full Mouth Rehabilitation in DLF Phase 3 |