Orthodontics treatment

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that treats malocclusion, a condition in which the teeth are not correctly positioned when the mouth is closed. This results in an improper bite. Treatment can improve the appearance of the teeth, but it can also lead to better chewing and speech function and help protect teeth from damage or decay, in some cases. To achieve these goals, the orthodontist uses a range of medical dental devices, including headgear, plates, and braces. These are the most common devices used in orthodontics. They are used when precision is important. A person can eat normally with fixed appliances, but some foods and drinks need to be avoided, such as carbonated drinks, hard candy, gum, and other sticky foods.

  • Orthodontics treatment in Gurgaon sector 1
  • Orthodontics treatment in Gurgaon sector 2
  • Orthodontics treatment in Gurgaon sector 3
  • Orthodontics treatment in Gurgaon sector 4

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